In this issue:
Comings and goings: New leadership at AECT
Backstage tours in October
Next on stage: The Witch’s Princess
Show recap: Frozen Jr.
Board buzz: Member transitions and annual meeting
Seeking committee members
Annual report published
Season 35 productions
We are entering our 35th season with lots to look forward to. Read on for news from the All-of-us Express Children’s Theatre (AECT) nonprofit Board!
Comings and goings
Artistic Director confirmed, Assistant Artistic Director named
In April we announced that Nina Crumpton had been named Interim Artistic Director, and in July she was confirmed as our new Artistic Director! Nina joined AECT in 2017, when she was the Costumes Crew Head for Shrek Jr. She’s run Costumes ever since, and in 2021 also created the Puppetry Crew.
In addition, after four years as AECT's Assistant Artistic Director, Tristan Tanner moved to a new position in July. His contributions to the company included directing the radio show version of War of the Worlds, which provided a creative way to offer an immersive playwriting experience with a unique delivery mode during the pandemic. We wish him all the best on his new endeavors!
Rounding out our personnel announcements, we were thrilled to welcome AECT alumnus Blake Weil as our new Assistant Artistic Director beginning in August! Blake’s first show was Winnie the Pooh in 2014, and his final AECT role was Mr. Banks in Mary Poppins (2019). He worked his way through the Guild program to earn his Master Badge in Stage Management, and realized how much he enjoys working with kids and in theatre. He is currently studying early education at LCC and also works as a union stagehand at the Wharton Center and Lansing Center.
Please help us welcome Nina and Blake as we head into AECT’s 35th season!
Fall backstage tours
Explore the Hannah Center on a backstage tour!
No matter how long your family has been involved with AECT, there’s likely a crew no one has been on or a place in the Hannah Center you haven’t seen. Have you heard your kid talking about the “Props Hole” and wondered what it is? Or been curious how actors get from one side of the stage to the other between scenes? Have a guess about the number of sewing machines the Costumes Crew has on hand? Wondered where those recurring set pieces, like giant rocks or lamp posts, are stored between shows?
Join us for our Fall Backstage Tours on Monday, October 16 to find out as AECT guides give you a behind-the-scenes look all over the Hannah Center.
Groups will leave from the concessions area off the theater lobby at 6:30, 6:45, and 7:00pm. Rehearsal will be going on, and most crews are called that night, so you’ll get to see the kids in action. To assist with planning, please sign up for a time slot and indicate how many people will be in your group. Walk-ins are also welcome, but signing up will help us have the right number of guides on hand.
After the tour, you can grab a free treat back in the concessions area and chat with other AECT families, or head home until it’s time to pick up your participant.
Next on stage: The Witch’s Princess
Don’t miss this fairy tale turned on its head!
This is going to be a fun one! The Witch's Princess, directed by Jen Shaw, is a fairy tale on its head—a romp through fen and forest with a sword-wielding princess, her faithful if sometimes distracted sidekick, and a bunch of monsters who are perhaps not quite what they seem.
Show times
Fridays, November 3 and 10: 7:00pm
Saturdays, November 4 and 11: 3:00pm
Sundays, November 5 and 12: 3:00pm
Ticket Information
Tickets will be $10 for adults and $7 for anyone under 18. Tickets will be available beginning in mid-October at the front desk of the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, by phone at (517) 333-2580 ext. 0, or online (link will be posted in mid-October on AECT’s website and social media).
Tickets for The Witch's Princess are date-specific, but are still for general seating. Season ticket holders can trade in tickets at the front desk for a specific performance. Doors open approximately 30 minutes before the show.
Opening night reception
As has become the opening night tradition, the AECT Board of Trustees invites you to join us for a bite to eat and some pre-show fun. The Witch’s Princess reception will be Friday, November 3 in the Hannah Center Banquet Room from 5:30-6:30pm. RSVPs are requested below. Feel free to bring your whole family after dropping off your cast or crew member.
Show recap: Frozen Jr.
The cold never bothered us, anyway
Our summer production of Frozen Jr. was AECT's largest show EVER (smashing the record set by our spring show, School of Rock)!
We are so grateful for the incredible efforts of the Frozen Jr. production team, cast, and crew members who brought us into Arendelle, for the many front-of-house, backstage, and other volunteers who kept things running smoothly, and to our sponsors.
And of course, huge thanks to the over 2,000 people who came to see the show, told neighbors about it, shared it on social media, and helped us spread the word so new audiences could enjoy as we "Let it Go!"

Board buzz
Comings and goings following our Annual Meeting
Thank you to these outgoing members of the Board of Trustees, who have cycled off the board after their terms:
Reynie Enger (Youth Member), who was instrumental in creating the new AECT website in 2022, made innovative suggestions for streamlining processes such as Assistant Director/Stage Manager applications, and assists with content creation for AECT’s social media.
Jen Shaw, who formed the Youth Leadership Initiatives committee and has worked tirelessly to provide opportunities to our youth to shine and grow; Jen initiated alumni pins, was a driving force behind the guild book, and drafted the important code of conduct and cast and crew rights documents recently adopted by the company.
Cody Skalmowski, who served as tech guru and managed the transition to the new website as well as the move to Square, which streamlines our membership management as well as improving the front-of-house concessions and merch experiences for our audiences.
Liam VanDerHeide (Youth Member), who has provided insight on youth leadership and fundraiser ideas, served as a leader on Opening Night receptions, and regularly sought out interviewees to contribute alumni stories for this newsletter.
As we say goodbye to a few trustees, we also welcome these new members of the Board of Trustees and look forward to their insights and contributions:
Melissa Aste
April Hunt
Ethan Beczkiewicz (Youth Member)
Elliott Hoagland (Youth Member)
Autumn Tyler (Youth Member)
In addition to these board votes, the Annual Meeting included a vote to adopt some proposed changes to the bylaws, bringing the bylaws into line with current board practices. And—more on this next issue—Nina announced the winner of our new logo contest! The graphic designer is putting the final touches on the winning submission from one of our youth participants… watch for the big reveal in the coming weeks!

Seeking committee members
October is the time to join!
The AECT Board of Trustees includes several committees that contribute in specific ways to the success of our initiatives. You do not need to be an AECT member or serve on the full board to join a committee. Committee membership for this season will be decided at the October 10 meeting of the board. If you have a passion for one of these areas and are looking for a way to get involved, we welcome you to contact us and tell us about your interests! Current committees are:
Arts Education & Outreach
Communications & Marketing
Executive Committee
Fundraising, Grants, & Sponsorships
Governance & Nominations
Youth Leadership Initiatives
Annual report published
Concluding a tremendous 34th season
The annual report of the AECT Board of Trustees is now available. It contains photos and statistics from our huge 34th season, as well as our yearly financial report. The report is available on our website and is also used in our grant writing activities.
Season 35 productions
Save these dates!
More information about auditions and audition workshops, performance dates and times, and plot details can be found in the Season 35 brochure.
Fall 2023: The Witch’s Princess *On stage November 3-12*
A comedy, a fairy tale, and a princess who gets to do a lot of sword fighting
Directed by Jen Shaw
Holiday Show 2023: A Christmas Carol *On stage December 15-16*
A classic! This Saturday rehearsal experience is akin to the studio class but with a holiday twist.
Directed by Elena Forman
Winter 2024: The Addams Family *Auditions November 16-17*
A kooky musical based on the endearingly creepy TV characters
Directed by Jocelyn France
Spring 2024: The Wind in the Willows *Auditions February 22-23*
A beloved tale of two best friends and their adventures
Directed by Blake Weil
Studio Class 2024: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time *Auditions December 8 and 9*
In which a brilliant but misunderstood teenager attempts to solve a mystery
Directed by Ayden Soupal
Summer 2024: The SpongeBob Musical *Auditions May 16-17*
Can our favorite yellow sponge save Bikini Bottom from certain destruction?
Directed by Jocelyn France

Thanks for reading Show Notes—we hope to see you on Facebook and Instagram as well! Keep up between issues on our website.